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      Tsuga canadensis
    Canadian Hemlock ( Eastern Hemlock )
       Evergreen Tree
HEIGHT:40 - 70 feet
SPREAD:25 - 35 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Pyramidal shape with pendulous branches as it gets older; bark is brown and scaly on young trees, furrowed with flat ridges upon maturity; needles dark green with two white bands below; prefers moist, well-drained, acid soils and shade, the hemlock in planted most often in home landscapes.
LIMITATIONS:Does not tolerate wind or drought; plant in sheltered location.
ORIGIN:Nova Scotia to Minnesota, along the Appalachian Mountains to Georgia and Alabama.
CULTIVARS:See entry under Evergreen Shrubs.
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The information for this Evergreen Tree (82) was last updated on: 2011-01-14 17:57:35
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