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      Juniperus chinensis
    Chinese Juniper
       Evergreen Shrub
HEIGHT:1 - 10 feet
SPREAD:2 - 15 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Species is a columnar tree, 50'-60', but seldom grown. There are dozens of cultivars in variety of sizes, forms, and colors.
LIMITATIONS:Plant in full sun; needs well-drained soil.
ORIGIN:China, Mongolia, Japan.
CULTIVARS:Aurea’ Upright with golden foliage; mixture of needle and scale-type foliage.; ‘Pfitzeriana’ Pfitzer juniper; a flat-topped, wide, vase-shaped shrub; grows to 5' tall spreading to 7' wide; hardy to -25ºF; hardy in SC, SE.; var. sargentii Sargent Juniper; low growing, wide spreading groundcover; 18"-2' tall, spreading 7’-9' wide; form somewhat starfish-like when young; blue-green, scale-like foliage; salt tolerant; may winter burn in exposed, windy sites; needs drainage, plant on a slope; hardy in SC and SE.
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The information for this Evergreen Shrub (42) was last updated on: 2011-01-14 18:51:43
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