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      Taxus x media (T. cuspidata X T. baccata)
    Anglojap Yew
       Evergreen Shrub
HEIGHT:3 - 6 feet
SPREAD:3 - 6 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Similar to Japanese yew but size and shape variable depending on cultivar; needles dark green above, lighter beneath; moist, well-drained soil; sun or shade.
LIMITATIONS:Subject to wind burn and spider mites; limited to climates similar to Kodiak; red fleshy berries are poisonous, heavily browsed by deer in other parts of the U.S. Canadian Yew, Taxus canadensis is hardier, but availability is limited.
ORIGIN: A hybrid species developed in Massachusetts.
CULTIVARS:‘Densiformis’ Dense shrub; twice as wide as tall; 4'-6'.; ‘Taunton’ (‘Tauntoni’) Tauton yew; spreading but overall globose form; shows resistance to winter burn; slow growing, 3'-4' tall, 4'-6' wide. See entry under Evergreen Tree.
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The information for this Evergreen Shrub (369) was last updated on: 2011-01-20 16:53:45
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