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      Malus spp. (apples)
       Deciduous Tree
HEIGHT:10 - 25 feet
SPREAD:8 - 15 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Spring flowers; edible fruits greater than 2" in diameter distinguish apples from crabapples.
LIMITATIONS:Susceptible to sunscald and damage from salt spray; use in protected areas; hardiness of root stock important; M. ranetka is a very hardy and common rootstock; winter protection needed in INT; large fruits falling on the ground may be messy in a landscape.
ORIGIN:Temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere
CULTIVARS:‘Antanovka’ a hardy variety; a good rootstock for grafting in SC but not for INT; ‘Beacon’ 2½" diameter pinkish-red fruits; ‘Breaky’; ‘Chinese Golden Early’ upright canopy; 2" diameter yellow fruit; good pollinator; hardy in INT if grafted on proper rootstock and with winter protection; produces fruit every year but other varieties taste better; ‘Discovery’ scab resistant orange blush green eating and pie apple, good for SE; ‘Hazen’ spreading canopy; dark red fruits; ‘Heyer #12’ hardy in INT if from northern plant source and with winter protection; produces fruit every year but other varieties taste better; ‘Goodland’ scab resistant green eating and pie apple, good for SE; ‘Kerr’ Not hardy in INT; small fruit ripens late; ‘Lodi’ similar to yellow transparent except fruit stores better; early ripening; ‘Macintosh’; ‘Norcue’ hardy in INT if grafted on proper rootstock and with winter protection; ‘Norda’ hardy in INT if grafted on proper rootstock and with winter protection; ‘Norhey’ hardy in INT if grafted on proper rootstock and with winter protection; ‘Norland’ hardy in INT if grafted on proper rootstock; ‘Norson’ hardy in INT if grafted on proper rootstock and with winter protection; a favorite in SC; ‘Mantet’ yellowish skin is striped with red; sweet, juicy fruit; upright canopy; ‘Oriole’; ‘Parkland’ a favorite in SC; ‘Pristine’ scab resistant yellow eating and pie apple, good for SE; ‘Red Duchess’ white single flowers. ‘Wynooche’ scab resistant red blush green tart eating and pie apple, good for SE; ‘Yellow Jay’ developed by Curtis Dearborn in Palmer; unique flavor; ripens late. ‘Yellow Transparent’ good pollinator; bears every other year unless thinned; yellow fruit ripens early; soft fruit does not store a long time, keeps better when season is cooler; a favorite in SC and SE.
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The information for this Deciduous Tree (322) was last updated on: 2017-04-10 10:47:22
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