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    Azalea Northern Lights Series
       Deciduous Shrub
HEIGHT:6 - 7 feet
SPREAD:6 - 7 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Each flower is about 1½" long and occurs in clusters of up to twelve in a variety of colors; pleasingly fragrant; flowers open before leaves in late May to early June; very hardy with no winter die-back in Anchorage.
LIMITATIONS:Needs a moist, acidic, organic soil and protection from moose, which love the dormant flower buds in the winter.
ORIGIN:Cross between R. x kosteranum and R. prinophyllum
CULTIVARS:‘Apricot Sunrise’ bright yellow-apricot flowers with orange shadings; ‘Golden Lights’ yellow fragrant flowers; ‘Lemon Lights’ lemon yellow flowers; ‘Mandarin Lights’ orange flowers; ‘Northern Hi-Lights white with bright yellow upper petal; ‘Northern Lights’ pink flowers; ‘Orchid Lights’ semi-dwarf, bushy plants; lilac flowers; ‘Pink Lights’ pink flowers; ‘Rosy Lights’ fragrant, dark pink flowers with rose shading; ‘Spicy Lights’ soft tangerine/salmon pink, fragrant flowers.
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The information for this Deciduous Shrub (321) was last updated on: 2012-01-12 17:29:12
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