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      Syringa x prestoniae
    Preston Lilac Hybrids ( Canadian Lilac )
       Deciduous Shrub
HEIGHT:6 - 12 feet
SPREAD:4 - 10 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Upright to rounded form; very tall; flowers a week or two later than common lilacs; fragrance different from common; persistent seed capsules; dark green, elongated leaves.
LIMITATIONS:Very large; some cultivars susceptible to phytoplasmas, which cause witches’ broom; susceptible to lilac leaf miner in SE; no fall color; survives in INT with winter protection; sun; pH 6.0-7.5.
ORIGIN:Cross between S. reflexa × S. villosa first raised by Isabella Preston at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada in 1920; often resemble S. villosa (late lilac). Progeny are known as Preston or Canadian Lilacs. Other species of lilacs in the Preston lineage include Syringa josikaea and Syringa oblata; developed through hybridization of S. josikaea and S. reflexa, also called Preston Lilacs.
CULTIVARS:‘Alexander's Pink’ (S. x josiflexa ‘James MacFarlane’ x S. x prestoniae ‘Ethel M. Webster’) large pink flowers, blooms later than common lilac; similar to ‘Royalty’, 6’-9’.; ‘Coral’ light pink flowers; poor form.; ‘Donald Wyman’ purple flowers.; ‘Isabella’ large pink flowers.; ‘James McFarlane’(S. x josiflexa) dull pink blossoms; survives in INT with winter protection.; ‘Minuet’ (S. x josiflexa ‘Redwine’ x S. x ‘Hiawatha’) compact, dense form; slow growing; buds purple, opening to lavender, 6’-8’.; ‘Miss Canada’ (S. x josiflexa ‘Redwine’ x S. x ‘Donald Wyman’) vigorous; brightest pink of the late flowering lilacs, deep red buds.; ‘Nocturne’ bluish flowers.; ‘Redwine’ deep wine-red buds; paler flowers.; ‘Royalty’ (S. x josiflexa) dark purple buds open to lilac flowers; foliage deep green with a purplish undertone.
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The information for this Deciduous Shrub (307) was last updated on: 2017-03-31 16:35:09
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