HEIGHT: | 40 - 60 feet | SPREAD: | 12 - 20 feet | DISTINCTIONS: | Medium size tree with dense, pyramidal shape; dark green, flattened needles; moist, well-drained soils, pH 6.0-7.8; produces dense shade. Important Christmas tree that retains its needles even when it dries out. | LIMITATIONS: | A number of varieties exist because tree hybridizes with other firs in the wild. | HARDINESS: | SE, SC (Zone 4) | ORIGIN: | Caucasus Mountains. | CULTIVARS: | Foresters recognize two sub-species, Caucasian fir, A. nordmanniana subsp.nordmanniana, and Turkish fir, A nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani. | _____________________________ Back to List | The information for this Evergreen Tree (28) was last updated on: 2011-01-12 17:15:18 |