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      Sambucus nigra
    European Elder ( Common Elder )
       Deciduous shrub
HEIGHT:3 - 20 feet
SPREAD:3 - 20 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Creamy white flowers in flat-topped cymes; fruit black; pinnately compound leaves; full sun best in cool climates; prefers moist soils, but will tolerate dry; over 30 cultivars.
LIMITATIONS:In Southcentral Alaska, plants usually die back to the ground.
HARDINESS:(Zones 4-5)
ORIGIN:Europe, northern Africa, western Asia
CULTIVARS:‘Aurea’ new foliage bright yellow fading green.; Black Beauty™ ‘Gerda’ dark foliage; large clusters of pink, lemon-scented flowers.; Black Lace™‘Eva dark, finely-cut foliage; pink flowers.; ‘Marginata’ leaflet margins yellow fading to creamy white.; ‘Madonna’ golden variegated leaflets, some with yellow margins.;
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The information for this Deciduous shrub (274) was last updated on: 2011-01-11 18:56:45
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