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      Rubus idaeus
    Raspberry ( Red Raspberry )
       Deciduous Shrub
HEIGHT:2 - 4 feet
SPREAD:6 - 8 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Edible fruit, white flowers, vigorous spreading shrub.
LIMITATIONS:Thorns; many suckers, canes die once they have fruited.
ORIGIN:Northern Asia and Europe
CULTIVARS:‘Boyne’ juicy, dark purplish-red fruit.; ‘Canby’ large, bright red fruit; no spines near fruit.; ‘Chief’ sweet, cherry red fruit.; ‘Fall Gold’ golden yellow fruit; vigorous growth.; ‘Gatineau’ dark red fruit.; ‘Heritage’ red fruit; vigorous,; ‘Latham’ large, bright red fruit.; ‘Madwaska’ dark red fruit.; ‘Newberg’ large bright red fruit.; ‘Red Wing’ fruits on first year canes.; ‘Reveille’ very large fruit.; var. strigosus ‘Kiska’ hybrid between wild raspberry and Rubus ‘Cuthbert’; sweet fruit; very hardy; good selection for INT.
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The information for this Deciduous Shrub (269) was last updated on: 2011-01-11 19:01:38
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