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      Rhododendron x kosteranum
    Azalea, Molis Hybrid
       Deciduous Shrub
HEIGHT:3 - 5 feet
SPREAD:3 - 5 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Large flowers, yellow to red with many combinations
LIMITATIONS:Marginally hardy in SC; needs a moist, organic soil.
ORIGIN:Rhododendron x kosteranu
CULTIVARS:‘C.B. Van Nes’ fire-red flowers.; ‘Comte de Gromer’ soft red flowers.; ‘Comte de Papadoli’ rose flowers, shaded orange.; ‘Comtesse de Kerchove’ pale pink or orange flowers.; ‘Consul Ceresole’ porcelain-rose flowers, 3½" diameter.; ‘Hugo Koster’ poppy-red flowers with orange markings, 2 3/4" diameter.; ‘Miss Louisa Hunnewell’ orange-yellow flowers, 3” diameter.; ‘Otto Lilienthal’ ivory-white flowers.; ‘Phidias’ light pink and yellow, double flowers.; ‘Snowdrift’ white flowers.
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The information for this Deciduous Shrub (252) was last updated on: 2017-04-06 10:03:33
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