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      Populus nigra |
    Black Poplar |
       Deciduous Tree |
HEIGHT: | 70 - 90 feet | SPREAD: | 10 - 15 feet | DISTINCTIONS: | Leaves are green on both sides; bark becomes ridged and furrowed with age. | LIMITATIONS: | Weak-wooded; branches may break in strong winds and with ice and snow loads. | HARDINESS: | SC, SE (Zone 2) | ORIGIN: | Europe, Asia, northwest Africa | CULTIVARS: | ‘Italica’ Lombardy poplar; narrow, columnar canopy; grows to 90' tall and 15' wide; commonly available commercially; hardy in SE Alaska (Zone 4). | _____________________________ Back to List | The information for this Deciduous Tree (231) was last updated on: 2010-09-08 22:29:23 |
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