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      Cornus mas
    Corneliancherry Dogwood
       Deciduous Shrub
HEIGHT:15 - 20 feet
SPREAD:10 - 15 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Dense rounded shrub; dark green leaves may turn purple-red late in autumn; bright yellow flowers open before leaf buds open in April; ½” edible red berries in September; sun or partial shade; tolerates a wide range of soils.
LIMITATIONS:Some plants will sucker (others may not) and colonize.
ORIGIN:Central and southern Europe and western Asia
CULTIVARS:‘Alba’ white fruit.; ‘Aurea’ golden yellow foliage.; ‘Aureo-elegantissima’ yellow leaf margins, sometimes with a pink tint.; ‘Flava’ large sweet edible yellow fruit.; ‘Nana’ low growing shrub.; ‘Variegata’ creamy white leaf margins.
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The information for this Deciduous Shrub (166) was last updated on: 2010-09-08 22:29:23
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