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      Thuja plicata
    Western Red Cedar ( Western Arborvitae )
       Evergreen Tree
HEIGHT:50 - 70 feet
SPREAD:15 - 25 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Flattened, scale-like, yellow-green needles; cinnamon-brown, reddish bark becoming ridged with age; tolerates damp soil; full sun or partial shade.
LIMITATIONS:Needs a high moisture environment and protection from winter wind; only a few growing in Anchorage.
HARDINESS:SE (Zones 4-5)
ORIGIN:Southern half of Southeast Alaska to northern California; east to Montana.
CULTIVARS:‘Spring Grove’ (‘Grovepli’) Tight, pyramidal shape; glossy, dark green foliage, holds winter color; fast growing; 25' tall, 13' wide.
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The information for this Evergreen Tree (81) was last updated on: 2011-01-14 17:55:15
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