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      Picea sitchensis
    Sitka Spruce
       Evergreen Tree
HEIGHT:160 - 225 feet
SPREAD:50 - 60 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Largest of all the spruces; dark green needles, showing whitish bands on lower side; some trees exhibit a bluish bloom on needles; straight trunk; open conical crown with age; hybridizes with white spruce; prefers well-drained soil.
LIMITATIONS:Requires high moisture, maritime climate.
ORIGIN:Coastal forests in southern and Southeast Alaska, Afognak Island and the northern half of Kodiak Island; south along the Pacific coast to northwestern California.
CULTIVARS:See entry under Evergreen Shrub.
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The information for this Evergreen Tree (68) was last updated on: 2011-01-13 18:12:08
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