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      Spiraea x vanhouttei |
    Vanhoutte Spirea |
       Deciduous Shrub |
HEIGHT: | 5 - 8 feet | SPREAD: | 6 - 8 feet | DISTINCTIONS: | Arching branches create a fountain-like form; cluster of white flowers in early summer; occasionally orange to red fall color. Successful for many years in Fairbanks. | LIMITATIONS: | Needs moisture but suffers in poorly drained soil. | HARDINESS: | INT, SC, SE (Zone 4) | ORIGIN: | Hybrid between S. trilobata x S. cantoniensis | CULTIVARS: | | _____________________________ Back to List | The information for this Deciduous Shrub (295) was last updated on: 2011-01-04 18:32:40 |
spring | |        
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