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      Sambucus racemosa
    Pacific Red Elder ( Red-berried Elder )
       Deciduous Shrub
HEIGHT:4 - 12 feet
SPREAD:0 - 8 feet
DISTINCTIONS:Arching branches; creamy white flowers in spring; clusters of bright red berries; tolerates dry or wet soil and shade.
LIMITATIONS:Inedible fruit; leaves, stems and seeds poisonous.
ORIGIN:Parts of Alaska, Canada and Lower 48; Europe and Asia
CULTIVARS:‘Plumosa Aurea’ bright yellow leaves that mature green; finely-cut leaflets. (Zone 4).; ‘Sutherland Golden’ (‘Sutherland Gold’) golden-yellow, finely-cut leaflets (Zone 4)
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The information for this Deciduous Shrub (275) was last updated on: 2011-01-11 18:59:23
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