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      Lonicera tatarica |
    Tatarian Honeysuckle |
       Deciduous Shrub |
HEIGHT: | 9 - 12 feet | SPREAD: | 6 - 10 feet | DISTINCTIONS: | White to deep rose flowers in early summer; red fruits in the fall; excellent survival. | LIMITATIONS: | Weak wood, branches break easily. | HARDINESS: | INT, SC, SE (Zone 3) | ORIGIN: | Southern Russia to central Asia | CULTIVARS: | ‘Alba’ pure white flowers.; ‘Arnold’s Red’ dark red flowers; beautiful profuse blossoms; not hardy in Int.; ‘Beavermor’ hardy in INT.; ‘Grandiflora’ (‘Bride’) large white flowers.; ‘Hack’s Red’ flowers are a deep purplish red.; ‘Le Royana’ dwarf; poor flowerer.; ‘Lutea’ pink flowers; yellow fruit.; ‘Morden Orange’ pale pink flowers; orange fruits.; ‘Nana’ flowers pink; dwarf, 3’ tall.; ‘Rosea’ flowers rosy pink outside, light pink inside.; ‘Sibirica’ deep rose flowers.; ‘Valencia’ upright, compact form; orange fruits.; ‘Virginalis’ large, rose pink buds and flowers.; ‘Zabelii’ Zabel’s Honeysuckle; dark rose pink flowers; dull, bluish green leaf; not reliable in Int. | _____________________________ Back to List | The information for this Deciduous Shrub (211) was last updated on: 2010-12-27 16:01:13 |
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